India is a fascinating land known for its cultural, heritage and traditional hospitality. A country with verity of culinary delights the world marveled. We at the JEWEL OF INDIA have tried to trace the origin adapt and prepare cuisines and regional delicacies that are today a part of every memorable feast. Pulao, naan, grilled kebabs, Samoosas and the use tandoori ovens were origin were typically of the Uzbeck cuisines. The cuisines is said to have found its way to North India with Baber and his contemporaries. Over the year the decendants who grilled in India refined and elaborated upon this cuisine, adding to the species and adapting its local cooking methods to create what we know called Mughlals or Frontier Food. In tracking the back the origin we at JEWEL OF INDIA try to revive and maintain these glorious culinary traditions of old in an ambiance best suited for today’s world. The warmth of the décor, the note of hospitality and the sheer culinary skills, make JEWEL OF INDIA unforgettable experience.
Jewel of India – Restaurant
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